The Fencible Story

The History that inspired our Museum

The East Auckland suburbs of Pakuranga and Howick developed slowly on land formerly occupied by Ngāi Tai. European settlement began in 1847 when three companies of the Royal New Zealand Fencibles were assigned to a defence post. They were retired soldiers enlisted to serve for seven years in exchange for a cottage and an acre of land. Howick was the largest of the Fencible settlements, with 804 people in three companies in 1848.

Fencible comes from the word “defencible” meaning “capable of defence”. The Fencibles had served in the wars of Britain in the 1830s and 1840s. To emigrate to NZ under the Fencible scheme, retired soldiers were required to be under 48 years of age and of ‘good character and industrious habits.’.

These soldier-settlers were offered free passage to New Zealand with their wives and families, a cottage and an acre of land. Providing they performed certain military duties – including compulsory church parade on Sundays – their cottage and acre would be theirs after a seven-year term of service. They received a small pension and were required to find gainful employment in addition to their ‘fencible’ occupation.

Between 1847-1854, eleven ships brought the 2,500 Fencibles and their families, which nearly doubled the population of Auckland at that time. Other Fencible villages were at Panmure, Otahuhu, and Onehunga.

All this history and more have been captured and brought to life at the Howick Historical Village. Dedicated to historical accuracy, there is so much to see and learn!

These biographies cover just a few of the 2,500 Fencibles and family members who travelled from the United Kingdom to New Zealand between 1847 and 1852, settling in one of four specially chosen locations around Auckland: Howick, Panmure, Otahuhu, and Onehunga.

  • Vintage photograph of a bearded man with a formal suit

    Thomas Heath

    Sailed on Sir George Seymour, arrived on 26 November 1847.

    Born in England in 1815, Thomas enlisted in the Royal Marines and was stationed on the Hastings. During active service off the coast of Syria in 1840, he was wounded and received a medal for his valour.

    In February of 1847, he married Mary Jane Bartlett, and the two embarked on the ship Sir George Seymour, which Mary Jane later recounted had been held hostage by pirates off the African coast. The captain had the Fencibles parade on deck to show their military strength, and the ship was allowed to proceed. Unbeknownst to the passengers, the ship was carrying gold bullion to pay the British Troops in New Zealand!

    The Heaths settled in Howick and raised seven children. Thomas was the last of the original Fencibles when he died in 1902.

  • Vintage black and white photo of three men and a baby. Two men are standing, and one is seated holding the baby.

    James White

    Arrived via the Minerva on 8 October 1847

    Born in 1806 in Messina, Sicily, James enlisted with the Royal Artillery for just over 21 years and received two good conduct medals. Once settled in Howick, James established himself as one of the more prominent Fencibles: a leader with clear, at times oppositional, opinions that he was only too happy to share. After arriving in New Zealand, he became Postmaster of Howick district, an unpaid position. To better support his family, he merged it into a general store, which is on display in the Howick Historical Village.

    From early on, James vociferously supported the Fencibles and pensioners in their struggles to gain a foothold in their new home. In January 1848, only months after their arrival and temporary storage in sheds on the beach, he said the Fencible families “were stowed away like herrings in a barrel, in a building which was called a shed and which would have been called a pigsty in the old world.” He sent a petition to the Governor in November 1848 outlining the conditions in which most families were living and continued to agitate to improve their situation. In 1853 James helped organise subscriptions for two Fencible families that lost their homes due to fire. In 1867, he set up the 20th reunion for Fencible families.

    During his lifetime he held various positions in the community, most notably as Town Clerk for 17 years. James died in Howick from cancer at the age of 76.

  • Black and white photo of an old house with wooden siding, surrounded by trees and overgrown grass. A dirt path and telephone poles are visible.

    Benjamin Lewis

    Sailed on Sir Robert Peel, arrived 4 January 1847.

    Born in 1800 in Ireland, Benjamin enlisted at the age of 20 and served time in India, where he married his wife, Jane, in Bangalore. They arrived with their three children and were given the site on a Crown Land grant where Benjamin opened the Royal Hotel on 28th July 1848. Their hotel was known as ‘The Honeymoon Hotel’ and became a desirable destination for Auckland couples to holiday. It is now known as Shamrock Cottage.

    Benjamin and his wife ran the hotel quite successfully. Reverend Lush wryly notes in his diary of the “well filled pocket of Lewis the publican.”

    Photo: Shamrock Cottage, c1930; 2018.039.39